Developing the workforce of tomorrow: New Forestry Equipment Operator Training (FEOT) program

As a province renowned for its abundant forest resources and commitment to environmental stewardship, New Brunswick recognizes the critical need for skilled professionals who can operate forest harvesting equipment efficiently and safely, to ensure the forest’s integrity while maximizing harvest production. The development of a Forest Equipment Operator Training Program is a pivotal step towards achieving workforce development goals in the forest sector and providing promising employment prospects for New Brunswickers in sustainable forestry. This innovative training program has been designed to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills, and practical experience to excel in the field of forest equipment operation. By bridging the gap between workforce demand and available talent, the program not only opens doors to new opportunities but also plays a vital role in promoting sustainable forestry practices that will benefit the province for generations to come.

The Forestry Equipment Operator Training (FEOT) program, which includes the Mechanized Equipment Forestry Operator (MEFO) program offered at NBCC-Miramichi, aims to develop defined career pathways for operators through hands-on learning and mentorship that provides supported transition from training to employment. After completing in-class and in-field training, successful participants are partnered with suitable contractors to continue skills development on active operations. Successful graduates will receive a ‘certificate of achievement’ for the MFEO program from NBCC, and up to 1,000 credit hours towards trade certification as a Forestry Equipment Operator in New Brunswick.

Those interested in the program are encouraged to contact the Canadian Woodlands Forum – Canadian Woodlands Forum – Home ( Contractors who are looking to hire new operators should contact Peter Robichaud at (902) 899-6420 or Dave Maxwell (506) 478-4773 to find out more information about the program and how they can get involved.

The program is offered through a collaborative partnership with Forest NB, J.D. Irving Ltd., the Canadian Woodlands Forum (CWF), BioApplied, Forest Liaison Inc. NBCC Miramichi, and the New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour.