Forest NB is a non-profit industry association representing New Brunswick's forest industry. Serving as a common voice in relations with government and the public, we aim to empower our members to help grow a better future for our communities. We endeavour to raise public awareness of sustainable forest management practices and provide a forum for the exchange of information, ideas, and issues facing the sector and local communities.

our values

Community - Advocacy - Opportunity


Executive Director's message

Challenge is a catalyst for change and growth, and we are living in challenging times.

Forestry and forest products are integral to the economic, social, and environmental well-being of New Brunswickers. Just as integral are the myriad values we collectively invest in our forests - aesthetic, spiritual, recreational, conservational, and economic. All these values are important, and all are part of the fabric of who we are.

The industry has and will continue to support New Brunswickers and their values because they are our values too - we too are people who live here, play here, thrive here. Together we will manage these valuable resources sustainably, achieve climate solutions, strengthen communities, maintain biodiversity, and build equity; we will promote the benefits of sustainable forest management to achieve all of these.

I look forward to working with the people who value our forests, both within and outside of the industry, as we rise to the challenge of ensuring that our forests continue to provide for us and remain forests for future generations.

Together we will grow.

Together we are Growing a Future for our Communities Through Renewable Forests.

Kim Allen, Executive Director of Forest NB

New Brunswick's forests are managed for the future

The products we make in New Brunswick are important, but how we make them matters just as much. Every part of the industry's activities, from harvesting to manufacturing to transporting materials, must be done responsibly. Harvesting is carefully planned, with tight limits on how many trees are harvested and where, to minimize impact on forest ecosystems.


Our industry works to ensure that New Brunswickers benefit from our forests by providing essential renewable products and well-paying jobs while ensuring our forests stay healthy and continue growing. Forests are essential to New Brunswick, and Forest NB brings our forest companies together to steward them with care and respect.


Our Members sustainably produce diverse wood products for today's markets.

From harvesters, wood pellets and paper to rayon, lobster traps and lumber, our members manufacture various forest products that are sold both domestically and exported all over the world. At Forest NB we strive to unite forest products manufacturers and take advantage of opportunities to educate the public on their production techniques.

Kim Allen

Executive Director

Andy Tree

Communications and Marketing Manager

Marika Brown

Project Coordinator

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Forest NB Membership Includes

Advocacy and management of relevant issues pertaining to forest sector and your business

Opportunity for input into Forest NB priorities and policies

Communication and marketing services, representation in Forest NB marketing

Government and other association relations management

Industry networking opportunities at Forest NB AGM/Industry Forum and semi-annual meetings

Community and educational outreach representation opportunities

For details on joining Forest NB, please contact