
Sustainable forestry is a vital part of New Brunswick's path towards net zero emissions.


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Trees store carbon in the form of wood. Even when trees are harvested, carbon remains stored in the wood. Products created from the harvested wood like lumber, plywood, flooring and furniture lock away carbon in our homes and workplaces for decades.


Forest products are a sustainable and renewable resource. Using sustainable forest resources to displace materials and processes with more carbon intensity and environmental impact will accelerate a transition to net-zero emissions while supporting rural and Indigenous communities. Forest products, bioenergy, and forest management are economic development opportunities and climate solutions.

From the largest companies to the many small woodlot owners and sawmill operators, Forest NB members invest a large amount of time and resources to develop and implement long term forest management plan. These plans are required for operations on Crown land, and are updated every 5 years by Registered Professional Foresters to ensure that forestry activities are aligned with the long term social, economic, and environmental sustainability objectives set by the Government such as sustainable harvest levels, silviculture treatments, habitat for fish & wildlife, fire and insect protection, recreation, watershed protection, and the road network.


Our management practices are based in both traditional knowledge and modern technologies, such as LiDAR imaging and unmanned aerial vehicles. Harvesting practices emulate natural disturbances, improve forest health, and minimize wildfire risk, adapting to and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

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New Brunswick's environmental regulations around forest industry activity are some of the strongest in the world.

Over 4,245,580 hectares of our forests are third party certified as sustainably managed, one of the highest rates in country and in the world. Sustainable forest management helps NB forests remain healthy and productive while supporting a strong forest industry and provide people with jobs and forest products. It also conserves biodiversity and enhances and protects wildlife habitat and watersheds. Sustainable forest management practices also help to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change.

The Sustainable Forestry Initiative (or SFI) is one of the most common certification programs New Brunswick forestry companies participate in. SFI is a non-profit organization that awards certifications based on measures to recognize and respect Indigenous Peoples' rights, protect water quality, biodiversity, wildlife habitats and species at risk, and other important social and environmental considerations.

1.4% Harvested each year, 100% of which will be regrown

The amount of forest that is considered available for harvest is carefully calculated by taking the annual growth of the forest, and subtracting the losses to fire, insects, diseases and other causes. Like a bank account, the forest is considered to be managed sustainably when the capital (growing stock) is maintained and no more than the interest (net growth) is harvested.

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The products we make in New Brunswick are important, but how we make them matters just as much.

By using a carefully planned and regulated set of techniques, forest managers ensure that Canadian forests remain a healthy patchwork mosaic of different forest types and ages. This allows forests to be naturally resilient to disturbances, while also providing native wildlife, such as moose and deer populations, with the diversity of habitats they need to thrive.

Our industry works to ensure that New Brunswickers benefit from our forests by providing essential renewable products and well-paying jobs while ensuring our forests stay healthy and continue growing. Forests are essential to New Brunswick, and Forest NB brings our forest companies together to steward them with care and respect.

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