Forest products industry conversion tables


Below are conversion tables used for measurements within the forest products industry:

Metric system Factor of conversion(multiply by) Imperial system
cubic meters 0.415 cord
cubic meters 0.424 MBF (Thousand Board Feet)
cubic meters 35.318 cubic feet
hectares 2.471 acres
centimeters 0.394 inches
meters 39.37 inches
meters 3.281 feet
meters 1.0936 yards
meters 0.0497 chains
kilometers 0.621 miles
square centimeters 0.155 square inches
square meters 10.764 square feet
square meters 1.196 square yards
square kilometers 0.386 square miles
cubic centimeters 0.061 cubic inches
cubic meters 35.3147 cubic feet
liters 1.0547 quarts
liters 0.22 gallons
cubic meters/hectare 14.913 cubic feet/acre
metric tons 1.102 tons
grams 0.0357 ounce
kilograms 2.204 pounds
tons 0.98421 metric tons

Conversion Factors for Forest Products

Products Imperial System Metric system
Pulp and Fire wood 1 cord 2.5 m3
3.77 m3 (stacked)
Lumber 1000 fbm 5.66 m3
8.55 m3 (stacked)
large base from:
7 po
9 po
12 po
12+ po
15 ft.3/100 ft. linear
30 ft.2/100 ft. linear
60 ft.2/100 ft. linear
100 ft.2/100 ft. linéar
0.42 m3/30.5 m linear
0.85 m3/30.5 m linear
1.70 m3/30.5 m linear
2.83 m3/30.5 m linear


Celsius to Fahrenheit Multiply by 9, divide by 5 and add 32
Diamètre of a circle Multiply the circonference by 0.31831
Air of a circle Multipliy the square of the diameter by 0.7854