Adam Douthwright


Congratulations to Adam Douthwright from Tide Head for earning the $1000 Forest NB Ernie Strickland Scholarship for the 2017-2018 academic year. Adam is enrolled full time at St. Francis Xavier University, studying Education.

Forest NB has awarded the Ernie Strickland Memorial Scholarship annually since 1998. Ernie Strickland, who passed away in 1996, was an instructor at the Maritime Forest Ranger School and a dedicated volunteer to the forestry sector. The scholarship was created by the New Brunswick Sub-Licensee Forestry Alliance (NBS-LFA) to recognize his exceptional contributions made to the New Brunswick forestry sector.

Scholarship applicants must be enrolled as a student at a post-secondary educational institution in Canada. They must also be a member of Forest NB, or a member’s spouse, child, grand-child, or employee.